Five Signs a Preschool Concentrates on Early Literacy

Every parent has a different set of priorities when looking for a preschool for their child. Some parents want a childcare center that focuses on play, others want an academic experience, and still others want a social environment. Whatever your priorities are, many parents are anxious about their preschooler learning the basics of reading. During preschool, most children are exposed to pre-reading skills. These are skills that prepare your child to read and help promote early literacy. [Read More]

4 Reasons To Take An Online ACT Prep Class

College entrance tests are a big deal, and many high schoolers stress out about them. Instead of just ignoring the chance to study and prep and risking doing badly on the test, it's smart to work on improving your test-taking skills. There are a variety of courses and programs that help students prep for the ACT and SAT, but not all of them are available only in person. You can instead take an online ACT prep class. [Read More]

3 Things To Look For When Choosing A Preschool Program

When you are the parent of a small child, you want to give your child a head start in life. Children begin learning as soon as they're born. As a result, it helps if parents are able to facilitate this learning as early as possible. This means not only picking the right schools for your child but also the right preschool as well. What works well for one child might not work well for other children; there is often no " [Read More]

Is Your Child Struggling With Math? What to Look for And How to Help

As a child, it's not always easy to talk to your parents, especially when it comes to school. When a child is struggling, they might feel like they are letting their parents down or that they might get in trouble. However, when it comes to core subjects like math, there is no room for a child to fall behind. It's important that all parents be able to recognize some signs that often mean a child is struggling with mathematics. [Read More]